Window Dressers

Here in Vermont, one of the most significant uses of fossil fuels is heating our homes.  According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), petroleum accounts for more than half of Vermont’s energy use – and the amount of energy used in the residential sector for heating homes is second only to that used in for transportation.

Buttoning up our homes to reduce our usage of fuel for heating is one of the most beneficial things we can do to save money, maintain comfort, and ease our impact on the environment. 


Sustainable Charlotte VT works with the non-profit organization Window Dressers to bring custom-built insulating window inserts to homes in and around Charlotte.  These window inserts made of wood frames with foam gaskets and a double thickness of clear plastic film will reduce drafts, save money and energy, and still allow the sunshine through!  Depending on the efficiency of your windows and home, you could reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and see fuel savings of up to 20% with inserts in place.

When you sign up to participate, one of our volunteer measuring teams will visit your home to take precise measurements so we can order the materials for your inserts.  Pricing is low and depends on the window’s size (average cost is about $40/window but we have obtained grants that allow us to reduce pricing as low as $0 for low-income residents).  When the materials arrive, we’ll have a community build/assembly workshop, and will work together to build your inserts.  These workshops are fun events, with the feel of a community barn-raising – come join us!  Assembly is easy and many hands make light work.

Contact us to learn more about the program and how you can participate as an insert recipient or as a volunteer – or both!